HPS pump and Novatek drills

Rock Drilling

Pump with Booster

Waterdrill on Novatek stope rig

Turnkey Projects and Micro Hydropower Systems


Not all customers have the experience to specify and install a hydropower system. Novatek provide a full service to design a suitable system to meet customer requirements and install and commission the system on a turnkey basis.

We also provide training and on-site maintenance to make the process simple – so that our customers can concentrate on their business of mining!

Micro hydropower systems are a great way to see the technology first-hand in your own mine. It allows each mine to review their objectives, performance, changes required, problems and their solutions. Most importantly, it allows an assessment of the production and financial impact. Thereafter, the decision to expand the technology can be made with full confidence.

Novatek are able to setup these turnkey projects and work with the mine to develop the mine’s expertise progressively, allowing a small project to expand to a full-scale implementation.

Please remember; the technology may be new to you… it is not new to us!

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Micro Hydropowered Mining